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I’ve Lost Weight and Want to Keep it Off: Can You Help?

I’ve Lost Weight and Want to Keep it Off: Can You Help?

Reaching your goal weight, feeling healthier and seeing improvements in your blood work is an important achievement! What you do next will be equally as important - unfortunately, many people who lose significant weight may regain most or all of it. 

All hope isn’t lost, though, as maintaining your goal weight and overall health improvements is far from impossible. It’s all about how you approach weight loss. 

With an individualized medical weight loss program from experts Anastasios Manessis, MD, FACE, ECNU, ABOM, and Camille Falisse, MS, RD, you can rest assured you’re on the best track to sustainable weight loss. At neXendo Wellness in Long Island City and Murray Hill, New York, our team supports you during your initial weight loss program and beyond.

My weight loss program is over, now what?

You feel a sense of accomplishment as you finally reach your goal weight. Those weeks, months, or years of adjusting your eating, physical activity and lifestyle habits have finally paid off, and your blood pressure, blood sugar, and triglycerides are all within typical ranges. 

From the start of your weight loss program, you should intend to make permanent and sustainable changes to your lifestyle instead of focusing on reaching a singular weight goal. You can keep the weight off by staying mindful of the principles you learned during your weight loss program and adhering to the lifestyle changes you worked hard to make.

The extra support you need to stay on track

At neXendo Wellness, our experts understand the challenge of completing a medical weight loss program and independently maintaining healthy habits to sustain your results. 

We provide continuous care weight management programs to keep you on track after you’ve reached your initial goals. In this program, you’ll set new health and wellness goals as you stay consistent with healthy eating and exercise. 

Continuous care weight management programs include:

Our programs make it easy to stay in touch and receive up-to-date advice wherever you are in your health and wellness journey. 

Reach out for support today

For personalized help with long-term weight management, call neXendo Wellness or schedule an appointment online at your earliest convenience.

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