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I’m Ready to Lose Weight This Year: Can You Help?

I’m Ready to Lose Weight This Year: Can You Help?

If you’re looking to lose weight or start healthier habits as a new year’s resolution, an integrative approach combining medicine and nutrition counseling is the way to go. No more trying the latest fad diet to no avail or using questionable supplements that promise results that never come.

Anastasios Manessis, MD, FACE, ECNU, ABOM, and Camille Falisse, MS, RD, collaborate to bring you lasting results with a personalized medical weight loss program at neXendo Wellness in Long Island City and Murray Hill, New York. 

If you feel like you’ve tried everything but aren’t seeing any difference in your health or the fit of your pants. It’s time to take a more personalized and evidence-based approach. Our team can support you with medical weight loss. 

What to expect from medical weight loss

Medical weight loss isn’t a program or diet. Instead, it’s personalized support that utilizes health behavior changes to your lifestyle and eating habits. 

Our team of physicians, personal trainers, and dieticians works together to evaluate your current lifestyle and identify areas for improvement. We use body composition analysis and metabolic testing to gain a comprehensive view of your current health before strategizing your program. While each personalized medical weight loss plan is different, our guidance centers around two main strategies:

Diet planning

A registered dietician or physician can teach you about your nutritional needs and ensure your diet meets them. We will personalize a nutrition plan that will lead to long-term success in meeting your weight loss goals.  Each session, we will set goals and review, adapt and update them consistently.

Improved physical fitness

Assistance from a licensed personal trainer can go a long way in helping you include exercise in your routine. Our trainer will help you build an exercise plan that you can stick to. We will be welcoming a new personal trainer soon, stay tuned!

Our team can also help you manage medical conditions that make it difficult to lose weight. 

What you’ll gain from managing your weight

Many common chronic conditions stem from excessive body fat, which stresses your cardiovascular system. For example, you might have other problems like high cholesterol or high blood sugar.

If you’ve already been diagnosed with a weight-related condition, medical weight loss helps you either get the disease under control. Medical weight loss at neXendo Wellness can help you manage or avoid:

Additionally, losing excess body weight leads to more energy, fewer aches and pains, and mental health improvements. Even a modest 5-10% body weight loss can improve your health. 

Schedule your weight loss consultation for the new year today

Call the neXendo Wellness office or book online to start working toward your goals this January.

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