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How IV and Vitamin Infusions Can Transform Your Health

How IV and Vitamin Infusions Can Transform Your Health

It’s possible your headaches and tiredness are from a lack of hydration and not just your on-the-go lifestyle. In fact, dehydration and nutritional deficiencies can cause many health issues. Nutritional deficiencies can also cause ambiguous symptoms. 

What’s the solution to concerns like these? It could be one of our many IV and vitamin infusions at neXendo Wellness in Long Island City and Murray Hill, New York. Anastasios Manessis, MD, FACE, ECNU, ABOM, and Camille Falisse, MS, RD, encourage you to consider enlisting in our membership plan, which includes infusions and booster shots with restorative vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and medications. You can peruse our menu here.

If you’re new to vitamin infusions and want to know how they can improve your health, our experts can help you decide which infusions or boosters can meet your needs. Read on to learn how personalized treatment with IV and vitamin infusions can energize and revitalize you. 

Infusions: The superior way to get your nutrients

Most nutrients used by your body come directly from your diet. When you eat, your digestive system breaks down every bite into small food particles from which your stomach and intestines can absorb electrolytes, vitamins, and minerals. 

There are several reasons you might have a nutrient deficiency — a lack of the nutrients your body needs for optimal functions like growth and energy. You might have dietary restrictions, a medical condition, or use a medication causing absorption issues. Furthermore, your diet might not be varied enough to include all the nutrients you need. 

Some people turn to daily oral vitamins to correct these deficiencies. While taking a daily vitamin can be effective, IV and vitamin infusions are the superior options for nutrient intake. The results are immediate because the nutrients in your infusions don’t have to travel through your digestive tract. Instead, they go directly into your bloodstream, and you absorb 100% of them. Vitamins taken orally aren’t absorbed at as high a rate. 

Potential benefits from your treatment

You customize your vitamin infusions by choosing an option that suits you. Our team reviews your personal health and wellness along with any minor ailments you’re experiencing to make informed IV recommendations. 

Our broad selection of IV infusions can address a multitude of common ailments and symptoms. Our IV infusions can treat:

Schedule an IV infusion after a particularly eventful night out or regularly for ongoing benefits. 

Instant hydration every time

The hydration component in every nutrient infusion plays a fundamental role in improving your overall health and wellness. No matter which electrolytes or medications you include in your infusion experience, every infusion includes a hydrating fluid base. Typically it’s saline, which helps you retain water. Some infusions use Lactated Ringer instead. 

Since your body is composed of 60% water, you must stay hydrated to support cellular function. Dehydration leads to nutrient imbalances and dysfunction, but the vitamin infusion of your choice can energize you and restore your health. 

If you’re interested in trying IV and vitamin infusions for an instant health boost, request an appointment online or over the phone at the nearest neXendo Wellness location today. 

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