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How Does Telemedicine Work During My Weight Management Care?

How Does Telemedicine Work During My Weight Management Care?

Losing weight doesn’t happen as quickly or as easily you might expect when you first get started. With a world full of distractions on top of work, caregiving, and other responsibilities, weight management and other personal goals often take a backseat. You might even neglect your goals entirely. 

Medical weight loss programs at neXendo Wellness, located in New York City, put you on track toward shedding those extra pounds in a healthy manner. 

Anastassios Manessis, MD, FACE, ECNU, ABOM, personalizes your program to fit your needs while providing support during regular visits. Our on-staff trainer and registered dietician offers tailored diet advice and fitness support as you approach your weight-loss goal. 

Alongside the comprehensive weight management care you receive in our office are technology-driven telemedicine services for your support. You can rely on telemedicine visits and remote monitoring to stay on track and avoid losing sight of your goals. In fact, these services make it easier for you to visualize your progress!

Technology is here to help from the start

Your weight management care begins with an initial visit and evaluation. Dr. Manessis reviews your health history and uses advanced testing strategies to gather practical information on your health status. 

A body composition analysis tells you about your muscle-to-fat ratio. The results are far more insightful than a simple body mass index (BMI) calculation, which is a height-to-weight ratio. Our team uses a state-of-the-art Seca™ scale, which offers detailed information you wouldn’t get using a typical digital scale. 

Metabolic testing also happens during your initial visit to evaluate your metabolic rate, lactate threshold, and other relevant factors to help us build a better weight management program. 

Telemedicine gives you easy and direct contact with our experts

You continue to utilize technology as you go through weight management care. While some of your visits take place in person, you can also complete check-ins with telemedicine visits. 

Telemedicine allows you to visit with our team without leaving your home, office, or hotel room. You don’t need to sit around in a waiting room or fret about finding reliable transportation. Instead, you simply log on and communicate with our team using phone and video calls. 

Telemedicine communications are highly valuable for weight management care because they ensure constant contact between you and our team. You’re less likely to lose sight of your goals when you can easily reach out for support using telemedicine services. 

Using tools to track progress

Remote monitoring services complement telemedicine. Our medical weight management programs are successful in part because of the technology used to track your progress. That includes:

A free smart scale to track your weight

Similar to the Seca scale in the office, you get a complimentary smart scale to use at home. That way, you don’t have to wait weeks between office visits to know exactly where you are in relation to your goal weight. 

Food tracking app connectivity

You can stay in touch with your registered dietician using a convenient food-tracking app. That helps you track what you eat and hold you accountable as you modify your diet. 

Get started with custom weight management care today

Telemedicine within a custom medical weight loss program makes it easier than ever to stay consistent with weight management. Call neXendo Wellness or book a consultation online at any time.

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