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Exercise With Accountability From the Comfort of Your Own Home

Exercise With Accountability From the Comfort of Your Own Home

When it comes to exercising at home, you have to get a little creative. Without a track, gym, weights, or machines, you might wonder if your home workouts will be beneficial to your fitness success. It’s especially challenging to work out at home while feeling like you have little or no accountability and motivation to do so. 

In Long Island City and Murray Hill, New York, neXendo Wellness offers a suite of customizable wellness services including personal training with our on-staff registered dietician and trainer, Brandon Caraballosa, MS, RD, CDN, CPT, who has an in-depth knowledge of human anatomy and the types of workout that get you closest to your fitness goals. 

Aside from your visits to our office, Brandon may encourage you to keep up with workouts on your own time. Or, you might be driven to do so yourself. Without access to a gym, it’s entirely possible to stay in shape and stay accountable at home. 

How to work out at home

You need to get creative to perform regular home workouts. Whether your goal is weight management or improved and improved mobility, there are plenty of options that allow you to gain those benefits without venturing outside the neighborhood. 

A few examples of exercises that are both easy to use at home and effective at improving your strength and flexibility are:

personal trainer, like Brandon, can teach you to perform exercises correctly so you can be sure you’re working the right muscle groups. You can also integrate activities like yoga and other forms of fitness. 

Holding yourself accountable

A home workout when the mood strikes might deliver a well-needed rush of endorphins — natural pain-relieving chemicals in your brain that increase your sense of well-being. 

Still, only consistent exercise gives you long-term wellness benefits like reducing your risk of cardiovascular disease and controlling your blood sugar. That’s why it’s essential to hold yourself accountable while building a home workout plan so you can stay on track. In fact, defining your goals is the first step toward being accountable. 

Once you’ve defined your goals, it’s time to develop a plan to work toward them and track your progress. Try to schedule your workouts around the same time every day — try setting an alarm so you don’t forget! Make sure you choose a type of exercise you enjoy so it’s not boring or out-of-reach according to your fitness level. 

It also helps to have a workout partner. If you’re open to the idea of someone else working out with you, you and your companion can hold each other accountable and keep each other motivated. You’ll enjoy your workouts more when someone else is present for conversation. 

Reward yourself for your accomplishments. Choose a type of reward that is especially motivating, such as a fancy dinner at the end of the week or a purchase you’ve been waiting to make. Either way, knowing you get something tangible for your efforts is a great motivational factor when working out at home. 

Contact our offices with a phone call or click to schedule an appointment at neXendo Wellness today.

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